January, February

Some Canberra Graffiti, seeing E.L.K and HOUL work again in Canberra was nice, along with some other new work around the traps. Then I was off on a long weekend in Melbourne with a busted leg for tabling at Festival of the Photocopier, Melbourne’s premier zine fair, organised by the Sticky Institute. It was a lot of fun to table this year around and schmooze with the other zine makers from Melbourne or out of state. Then there was the Melbourne Triennial filling the gallery with international works like Maurizio Cattelan’s Comedian, Flora Yukhnovich’s A Taste of a Poison Paradise and many others, each day I kept going to back to see things again and again. Even when the mercury hit thirty-five celsius. I’ll have to go back when I’m not trying to hustle zines on one leg.


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